

b'coz sometimes the things u look is not the things u can't see

sepantas mungkin..

hehehe..jom sepatah dua kata sjh..update dr lobi hotel kangar..arini dh slamt prezen..wlpn byk mslh teknical...akhirnya..aku bjya desak sekretariat msukkan nme aku kt 1st day prezen..dh nk kne blik BP..mgdap perkara2 yg sme.. condition yg bosan..next month..bonded lg ngn SV..mugkin aku jd xsedap perut.hati.limpa.jantung.pankreas dn lain2 lg....aku bru nk list down keje2 ...xpe2..next month..perlu mgdap muka2 org yg sme..keje yg sme..ayt sakit atie yg sme..ayt perli yg mse..kte2 manis kdg2 xbrapa mnis pon...pastikan..rasi..kali buh garam byk2!! sbb...dot.dot.dot.dot..

esok blik...sedih pon ade..sbb sy sgt suke PERLIS..mcm penah sy btgau dlu mse 1st taim sampai sni..last April..tp xpe..sy dh tau nk cr sape bile smpai sni..ngeh2..very friendly& nice person actually..thanks a lot..jasamu dikenang..


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