

b'coz sometimes the things u look is not the things u can't see

best kan..kalo mlm2 cm gni duk kt tgh2 bridge ne..tgk bintang..tgk bulan..rse tenang..nak2 kalo nmpak meteor@ tahi bintang tguris kt langit..cpt2la wt hajat yg best..mne nk tahu ..tue komet halley ke..pjgla skit hajat yg leh d buat..kan..hurm..dh lme aku xtenung langit mlm lme2..ayah oh ayah..mek oh mek...hurm..nk blik buleh??nk cuti sbln duk ghumh..jd petani terhormat..aduhh..sedihnya hidup ini..tp nk wt mcmne ...life goes on..arp2 pjalanan weekand ne ke unimap bjalan lancar..warning dr PM..u lead this program rasimah..insyaallah..i try my best..Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusanku ini.AMInn


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