

b'coz sometimes the things u look is not the things u can't see

---life like this---

mg ne dh msuk 5th week aku berLI..but xde ngat bende2 yg best tuk dipelajari..ari2 yg aku lalui cm plane...i got no nothing--hurm..idup beginila..xde sume yg kite rse best tue kn jd best..just cube2 enjoykan diri...smlm jln2 d KB mall then arini g jln2 kt TESco KB..tringt zmn2 duk kt Praja..hukhukhuk..sape kte xrindu..susah senang 3,4 taun d bumi org...pe2pon life goes on...

then 4 remedial 5 weeks g,aku kne lalui idup di umh sewa sorg2 btemankn sound effect backhoe,crane n sume2 kt tepi site ne..hukhukhuk..tp insyaallah aku kn cube survive sorg2 di sini tuk 5 mg g..tpaksela aku bebaik2 ngn site Svku mat JAA yg kerek itu..nampaknya ari2la gado ..huhuhu..xpe2 t abes LI aku mintak maap byk2 ye kt kamu yee....insyaallah kalo de jodoh kite jumpe g bile aku dh berjaya...


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