

b'coz sometimes the things u look is not the things u can't see

What should i do????

plezzz speak louder than words...
kuatkan semangat!!!
mohon dipermudahkan segala urusan-Nya
sesungguhnya aku hanyalah HambaMu yg sgt lemah..
Ya Allah..kau tabahkanlah hati HambaMu ini..
evrthin' happened only 4 a gud reason.
walau sehebat mana dugaan, tabahkanlah hati ini..Gambate!!!

m.o.v.e o.n

Life is full of lots of up and downs..
But the distance feels further
When it's headed for the ground
And there's nothing more painful
Then to let your feelings take
You down

It's so hard to know
The way you feel inside
When there's many thoughts
And feelings that you hide
But you might feel better
If you let me walk with you
By your side

And when you need
A shoulder to cry on
When you need
A friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
You won't be alone
cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be your friend to rely on
When the whole world's gone
You won't be alone 'cause i'll be there

All of the times
When everything is wrong
And your feeling like
There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I'll help you work it out
And carry on

Side by side
With you till the end
I'll always be the one
To firmly hold your hand
No matter what is said or done
Our love will always continue on

...And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on

p/s : Ketika kaki melangkah pergi.., ada sesuatu yang tertinggal di situ. angan-angan, harapan dan seluruh hati. Sebagai gantinya aku membawa bersama wajahnya dan rindu padanya..

berakhirnya sebuah mei 2010....

sudah lme xupdate...sbb sedikit bz.(kunun2la)..tp betol ape..tanyalah hmate aku..aku kua umh kol bpe..blik kol bpe hr2( so aku xde mse nk ambek tau org len wt pe diam2 dlm blik..tgh sdih ke aritue,@ ade mslh pe2) sebab org xpenah nk tanya kt ku mslh pe aku kne selesaikan smapai blik umh xsah kol jam xkol 6.30 ptg..( sila abaikan statement ne jika anda xtergolong dlm speasis ne)..

2mg awal mei..aku duk rilek2la kunun kt umh..nek mg ke-3..mmg semput..siapkan 6 proceeding pper..pastue xmsuk lg hal2 urusan lanjutan geran..hal nk p seminar kt kuching..dpt lak 3 tesis masters..suh tgk cr research method dorang..yg pling best ..aku bru tahu..ken wt PLAXIS as computer then hal proposal aku yg asyek d edit2 xsudah2..then...td dpt lg keje isi borang tuk FRGS bg tjuk proposal aku..yg mmg gile xpehe nk isi gapo..tggu je la esok..sy isi name ngn tajuk projek je la pm..hoho

then bru aku sedor..bln ne genapla 4 bln aku xkelik..padela pon..ayoh duk gege bilo nk kelik..bile nk kelik..mek senyap jah..maknenya...mek xsayee aku.huk2..(sedey2)..xpe2..aku meme nk suprisekan demo2 kg sbb xoyt pon nk blik 10 hb nati..ngeh2

then mse tgh2 mei ritue..de perkara penting berlaku sbnrya..aku mmg akn jd xbetol kalo dia muncul...sbb gara2 FB..aku benci FB..aku benci FB..tp nmpknya kali ne aku leh control skit emosi aku dr dlu2..alhamdulillah..sbb aku..maybe dh jd neutral kot..rse xsia2 aku blaja kaedah peneutralan nge cikgu sukartini dlu taim kimia form4-5..hoho

then..this june..cube setting blik otak..tuk berholiday..tp jgn lupe..selesaikan dlu keje2 terbengkalai VOT 0403 ne..adoyai..letihnya mikir mslh hari2..sehari dua ne..gigi aku wt hal..then dh cabut..tp xleh mkn nsik lg..sbb skit..leh mnum air ngn sekuk tawar jah..arap2nya mkn pulih..sbb dh rse lapa gile xjupe nsik shri.huhuhu

dh2..brenti blebe..siapkan keje2mu itu..siapkan sekarang!!!!